The Power of a First!

A few weeks back, Priority Leasing provided lease financing for their very first ROBOT.  

Hello future!

Please check out the video link from CBC news and meet Classic Building Solutions new “high rise window cleaner”.  This baby is a game changer in terms of safety and efficiency for the high rise window cleaning industry! Hot Hot Hot water, environmentally friendly cleaning solutions and nobody risking their life on a regular Wednesday afternoon.

As AI meanders it’s way into the business world, let us know how we can help!

Leasing Robots

CBC Radio recently posted an article about robots in the workplace, and it made me ponder my perception of robotics a little bit.  They are not necessarily the andriod-like creatures of boundary-pushing science (and science fiction 😊), nor an invasive replacement for human jobs.  They are a tool.  A tool to help us do our jobs better, faster and with less risk.  And, like so many tools, they can be leased.

So, I thought I would share a couple of the upsides of leasing a robot.

For example, the robot is a one-time expense you can lease over time.  Whereas an employee is paid every year, hopefully with periodic increases.  Also, a leased robot does not require employer contributions for CPP, etc. Please do not get me wrong. I don’t want to see robots taking away jobs but as the article clearly states… “they’re not all coming for our jobs”.

Perhaps think about leasing this way…. you wouldn’t pay your receptionist 3 years in advance, would you? It’s the same for equipment that works for you. You pay as it performs.

CBC Radio Article: More robots are entering Canadian workplaces — but they’re not all coming for our jobs

Header image adapted from Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

Dump Truck Leasing

My colleague, Paul, over at Trust Capital USA, recently wrote an article outlining the benefits of leasing dump trucks.  He passed it on to me, and I would like to share some of his thoughts with you. 

According to Paul, “Leasing a dump truck can become a good alternative to traditional financing from bank or credit institutions and can provide you with complete ease and safety.” 

He presents 5 main arguments in favour of leasing:

  1. It can be difficult to meet the credit requirements of a traditional loan — especially for start-up businesses. Being denied by the banks, or being strapped with a large interest rate are potential drawbacks to the traditional route.
  2. Professional equipment leasing and financing companies are adept at commercial leasing; the process is uncomplicated and efficient.
  3. Leasing expensive, heavy equipment, such as dump trucks, reduces financial volatility; you don’t need to take on debt to procure a lease. In addition, obtaining a lease is not affected by your credit score. Professional financing groups can approve your application without any barrier.
  4. Dump truck fleets are expensive.  Even if you have sufficient capital to purchase, leasing, instead of buying, allows you to retain that capital and have it available for any emergencies that could arise.
  5. Leasing of a big-sized dump truck can become a gainful venture.  Income generated by use of the equipment can easily be in excess of the lease payments.

Whatever your credit score, whatever your goals, a professional equipment leasing company can serve your needs productively.

If you are interested in the complete article by Paul, click here .

Used Veterinary Equipment for your Clinic

Today I want to share an article from Paul Kendall, a new friend of mine at Trust Capital USA.  Although, in his paper, Paul talks about buying veterinary equipment, don’t forget that you can also lease.  To learn more about leasing and financing veterinary equipment in the US, visit “Veterinary Equipment Financing” on the Trust Capital USA website.  In Canada, of course, feel free to give us a call at 403.216.1930.  🙂

List of The Used Veterinary Equipment You Must Buy for Your Clinic

Buying used things is always a great alternative, whether it is second-hand cars, used clothing or used furniture. So, why you should not purchase used medical equipment for your medical practice? There are many benefits to employing restored medical equipment.

It is no clandestine that becoming a medical doctor or veterinarian is a costly task. According to a current study performed by the American Veterinary Medical Association, above 90% of veterinary school grads initiate out their profession with significant debit. So why not set up your practice by cutting expenses where you can? Taking advantage of Used Veterinary Equipment will extensively decrease the high costs your practice will have to get on and maintain your facility base financial line very small.

Let us discuss the equipment you require for setting up your veterinary clinics

These below-explained tools, devices and technologies permit vets to give stellar, professional medical care to pet-patients and must not be ignored when putting together your clinic equipment buy list.

Exam and Procedure Tables

If you want to properly inspect as well as treat your pet- patients, there is a need of the veterinary table in every treatment room. However it depends on your clinic’s requirement and can select lift tables, v-top tables, electric & hydraulic tables. This in order can offer you versatility, stability and mobility while using. The surface of these test and procedure tables can be lithely accustomed to hold every pet patient’s size and belt and can be located for optimal contact to the area under inspection.

Anesthesia Machines

Getting your pet-patients to persist at rest through scans, insidious exams and actions can be a challenge. Also, you would not like them to experience from the pain of their injuries, surgeries or additional treatment protocols. This is why high-quality veterinary anesthesia machines are on the peak of the used veterinary equipment shopping list.

It is frequently utilized on dogs, cats, birds and additional animals, but since their dispositions differ significantly from those of humans, specific veterinary anesthesia equipment that is 100 per cent secure for animal use is necessary.

However, you cannot utilise the similar machines doctors employ on humans. Anesthetic equipment at a veterinary practice makes sure animals get sufficient oxygen, ventilation and breathing although under anesthesia and combine the anesthetics appropriately according to fixed concentrations, through a mostly automatic procedure that reduces risk to the patient.

Veterinary Stethoscope

Stethoscopes are ideal tools for medical professionals of all fields, but vets require acquiring particular veterinary stethoscopes for their practices. This purchase is necessary since veterinary stethoscopes permit you to get around all that fur and animal muscle and in fact hear the heart and lung sounds of any animal, big or small.

Veterinary ultrasounds

Diagnostic imaging is used by veterinarians to observe clear-cut images within their pet patient’s body and make correct analyses, which lead to immediate, efficient treatment.  New, ground-breaking, real-time ultrasound equipment with exterior cameras considerably decrease exam time while producing deeper and wider snappish images of abdominal, cardiac, musculoskeletal, vascular and additional bodily systems.

These images can even be shared live through telemedicine with a sonographer, for more affluent real-time assistance, with far less pinpointing guesswork involved. So if your budget does not allow you to buy the new one, you may have the option to purchase the used veterinary equipmentthat will save your money.

Autoclaves & Sterilizers

Veterinary doctors must make sure proper sterilization of their medical tools every time. However this is important for secure as well as contamination free work environment.  This in order will extend the life of usually used equipment. If you do not purify them, they will wear down with organic fluids, solvents, chemicals and cleaners. Autoclave steam sterilization assists make sure that vet tools are adequately germ-free and sterilized, for most favorable pet-patient effects.

Autoclaves come in a range of sizes. If you are operating a high-volume treatment centre, you may choose to buy a larger unit to boost competence, rather than keeping your autoclave every day. You would like to look into purchasing a mechanical or digital autoclave used veterinary equipment, which allows faster turn-around than its manual version.

IV Pumps

Nearly all veterinary clinics make use of IV pumps to manage fluids, drugs and additional supplements during surgeries and other treatments. IV pumps are the ideal technique for controlling the release of a constant rate infusion (CRI) of the matter to be provided to the patient, for a reliable or time-dependent consequence.

This is mainly dangerous when the medication administered has potentially powerful or unfavorable experimental effects. And while there are cheaper IV flow-control devices on the market, pumps are flexible, non-disposable, readily accessible and more cost-effective in the long-standing.

Digital X-ray imaging machines

Digital radiology or radiography (DR) technology permit veterinarians rapidly and precisely get comprehensible images of your animal patient bones, muscles and inner organs, without involving the use of film, compounds of darkroom processing. The defined, digital photos can be improved, enlarged and focused, which eventually leads to fewer retakes and more exact diagnoses. The images acquired can be saved to a digital database, and simply shared with further vets and specialists, with one click of the button. 

Digital x-rays have become an enormous, necessary and widespread component of many veterinary practices around the globe. There are a variety of DR systems, all relying on diverse technologies to achieve digital images. You can choose the DR system that best goes with your practice’s requirements and financial statement.

At the end to make the right decision for buying used veterinary equipment you, in fact, require to be aware of what all your preferences are and weigh out the pros and cons of the whole thing here, before making your final decision. When setting up your veterinary hospital, there are plenty of tools and techniques you need to obtain. However some of the equipment may not listed above like electrosurgical units, defibrillators, microscopes – even calculators. But no matter what equipment you do buy, make sure they are high-quality, long-lasting and infection-free.

Smokin’ Hot News Flash

Priority Leasing is excited to announce that we are now be able to finance equipment in Canada’s budding cannabis industry.

Effective immediately, Priority Leasing will consider transactions in — or related to — equipment for the cannabis industry.

Equipment we can consider includes:

  • Security Systems
  • Air Filtration Equipment
  • Testing Equipment
  • Grow lights
  • Tables

For additional information please contact Linda or Deb at 403-216-1930, or by email at or


I was having coffee with a potential client last week.  And as always, I asked him how he found out about Priority Leasing.  His answer was not at all what I was expecting!

He said, “I wanted to learn more about equipment leasing in Canada.  So I bought this book called “Unstoppable” by Beth Parker.   And you were mentioned in it several times.

And then, it slowly came back to me.   I remembered speaking with Beth probably 10 years ago as she was compiling stories for this book.

I forgot about it shortly after we spoke and never heard anything about it again.    But then, right there at the Purple Perk, I am told my thoughts on equipment leasing, are actually in print!

The book really has a great title.   Unstoppable!   And here’s why.  Because, about 25 years ago, lease brokers were considered bottom feeders who really couldn’t find a job with a “real” leasing company.  But we never stopped.  We started up small brokerages that grew.  We hired and fired. We celebrated and sobbed.  And we’re still here!    Unstoppable!

Gotta go buy me that book!


Fences make “better” neighbours!

I am always impressed when small business owners like myself, come up with creative and innovative ways to make tasty lemonade when handed sour and often rotting lemons.   This month, my hat is off to the owner of a property in the industrial area near the Stagewest Dinner Theatre in southeast Calgary.

After losing a substantial tenant to the faltering economy, this gentleman decided to create individual, short term rental units within his warehouse to keep the bank at bay.   He utilized movable fences to create storage bays designed to the customer’s specifications. The mobile fences were purchased from Pierre at “A Quality Contractor”. And now, here it comes….wait for it….

Did you know you can lease these mobile fences?   Perhaps there is a “financial work-around” that can help your business stay competitive in these challenging times?   Is there something you would like to lock up and keep safe for a short term? Let me know how I can help.

Call me anytime at 403-703-7301.   Deb Sands.

Leasing Protective Structures

While travelling on my sales calls yesterday, I spotted these “cover-all” type structures at a local northeast car dealership. I thought to myself, what a brilliant way to keep hail off your inventory during Calgary’s crazy summer storms!
I wondered how much their insurance premiums might drop by having these vehicles protected. I also realized there are savings to be had by NOT discounting hail damaged cars after the storm.
And finally, I considered the poor lot boy will not have to brush snow off hundreds of cars this winter.
Did you know these structures can be leased? Quickly and easily? I would suggest the savvy dealership owner would stack the monthly lease payment up against insurance savings and margins saved by NOT discounting damaged cars and trucks.
Now that’s living in the fast lane!

How is Coffee like Leasing?

Procaffeinating (n). – the tendency to not start anything until you’ve had your coffee…

Coffee and Leasing are similar in many ways. Both are very popular, both have a slight fascination.

Many companies view leasing as old hat, very similar to banks and other institutions. But in reality, leasing has also helped companies grow and expand.

The key is both Leasing and Coffee can be personalized to individual tastes and businesses.

As you know, the strengths of coffee are varied, from Double Espresso, Latte, Macchiato, Americano, all the way to Decaf, in order to suit individual tastes.

Well Leasing is much the same, whatever the equipment, whatever the taste, leasing will help you reach the next stage in your business.

For instance, if you are a start-up, it can help you acquire the equipment you need to start, or as an established company, help you seize other business opportunities, for growth to complete a new order, or to grow your business in other ways. When competition is hard, the key to any vendor program is to minimize the cost objection, and leasing is the perfect and proven answer to this objection.

With business opportunities, “the window” only stays open for a short time. For more information about what you can Lease and how we can get you through that window! Feel free to contact us.

Have a success-filled week!


Northwest Dental Expo

Bob and I enjoyed a day in snowy Edmonton last Friday at the Northwest Dental Expo.  We met a lot of our newly acquired dental lessees and learned about the amazing technology that is totally changing the face of dentistry.   For example, there is a laser available now that will allow dentists to fix cavities and do other procedures without having to freeze your mouth.  No More Needle!   And there are 3D printers and milling machines that can make and bake a crown for you while you wait.  No more sending impressions off to the lab.

As you can tell, I’m pretty excited to be involved in this new industry, but for we’re still very much involved in all types of equipment.   So if you have a question about new equipment for your business, please give us a call!